Restore/Recovery using RMAN with different scenarios:



*This restore recover situation is pertaining to Restoring database from 15th Sep 09 backup and recovering point in time upto 16th Sep 09 12:00 Noon. (This situation raised as a user made logical error in the database).
*Took a backup of current database using RMAN and also kept a cold backup after shutting down the database. This is usefull in case of reverting back the database to original.
*Remove all Controlfiles/Logfile/Database files including undo,temp from the original location.
*Make sure RMAN catalog database tnsentry is available in Restoring production server.

Connect to target database and recovery catalog database using following command.

rman catalog username/password@catalogdb target sys/password@targetdb

Get the backup piece information with List backup command in RMAN.

RMAN> List backup;

BS Key  Type LV Size       Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
4173    Full    3M         DISK        00:00:01     15-SEP-09
        BP Key: 4173   Status: AVAILABLE   Tag: TAG20090915T182528
        Piece Name: F:\BACKUPS\RMAN\SID\SID_20090915_697659929_4273_1.CTL
  Controlfile Included: Ckp SCN: 136760496    Ckp time: 15-SEP-09

Get the Controlfile name and Tag name of 15 Sep 09 controlfile backup.

Backup piece name              : SID_20090915_697659929_4273_1.CTL
Tag name                               : TAG20090915T182528

Restore controlfile from Tag name.

allocate channel ch1 type DISK;
restore controlfile from tag 'TAG20090915T182528';
release channel ch1;

Mount the database.

RMAN> alter database mount;

database mounted

At this point, Restore database command alone will restore the latest backup pieces from auto backup since this is from catalog. taken on 16th Sep 09. Hence Find out the appropriate tag for database files on 15th Sep 09 and use it for restoration.

RMAN> list backup summary completed after 'sysdate -2';

List of Backups
Key     TY LV S Device Type Completion Time #Pieces #Copies Tag
------- -- -- - ----------- --------------- ------- ------- ---
235823  B  0  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T010133
235824  B  0  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T010133
235825  B  0  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T010133
235826  B  0  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T010133
235827  B  F  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1
235828  B  A  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T012854
235829  B  A  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T012854
235830  B  A  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T012854
235831  B  A  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T012854
235832  B  A  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T012854
235833  B  F  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T012929
235834  B  F  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1
235835  B  A  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T110015
235836  B  A  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T110015
235837  B  A  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T110015
235838  B  A  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T110015
235839  B  F  A SBT_TAPE    15-SEP-09       1       1
235894  B  F  A DISK        15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T182007
235895  B  F  A DISK        15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T182007
235915  B  F  A DISK        15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T182528
235922  B  A  A DISK        15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T182532
235923  B  A  A DISK        15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T182532
235924  B  A  A DISK        15-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090915T182532
235936  B  F  A DISK        15-SEP-09       1       1
236271  B  F  A DISK        16-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090916T172304
236272  B  F  A DISK        16-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090916T172304
236292  B  F  A DISK        16-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090916T172837
236299  B  A  A DISK        16-SEP-09       1       1       TAG20090916T172851
236303  B  F  A DISK        16-SEP-09       1       1

BS Key  Type LV Size       Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
235894  Full    6G         DISK        00:03:56     15-SEP-09
        BP Key: 235896   Status: AVAILABLE   Tag: TAG20090915T182007
        Piece Name: F:\BACKUPS\RMAN\SID\SID_20090915_697659608_4271_1.DBF
  List of Datafiles in backup set 235894
  File LV Type Ckp SCN    Ckp Time  Name
  ---- -- ---- ---------- --------- ----
  1       Full 136760211  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_SYSTEM01.DBF
  2       Full 136760211  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_FWPDS02.DBF
  5       Full 136760211  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_FWDATAMART01.DB
  6       Full 136760211  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_FWINDEX01.DBF
  8       Full 136760211  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_FWLOB01.DBF
  14      Full 136760211  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_BUSOBJS01.DBF
  15      Full 136760211  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_IVIEWS01.DBF
  17      Full 136760211  15-SEP-09 E:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_UNDOTBS1.DBF

BS Key  Type LV Size       Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
235895  Full    8G         DISK        00:05:12     15-SEP-09
        BP Key: 235897   Status: AVAILABLE   Tag: TAG20090915T182007
        Piece Name: F:\BACKUPS\RMAN\SID\SID_20090915_697659609_4272_1.DBF
  List of Datafiles in backup set 235895
  File LV Type Ckp SCN    Ckp Time  Name
  ---- -- ---- ---------- --------- ----
  3       Full 136760212  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_CWMLITE01.DBF
  4       Full 136760212  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_DRSYS01.DBF
  7       Full 136760212  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_FWIVINDEX01.DBF
  9       Full 136760212  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_FWPDS01.DBF
  10      Full 136760212  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_ODM01.DBF
  11      Full 136760212  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_TOOLS01.DBF
  12      Full 136760212  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_USERS01.DBF
  13      Full 136760212  15-SEP-09 D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_XDB01.DBF

Run the below command to restore the database from tag

allocate channel ch1 type DISK;
allocate channel ch2 type DISK;
allocate channel ch3 type DISK;
allocate channel ch4 type DISK;
RESTORE DATABASE from tag 'TAG20090915T182007';
release channel ch1;
release channel ch2;
release channel ch3;
release channel ch4;

Recover database until the required time of 16th Sep 09 12:00PM noon.

*Check the availability of Archivelog files its asking for. If Archivelog files already available in the default location, no need to restore the archive log files.

ORA-00279: change 136760211 generated at 09/15/2009 18:20:09 needed for thread
ORA-00289: suggestion : E:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\ARCHIVE\ARC01202001
ORA-00280: change 136760211 for thread 1 is in sequence #1202

Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}

ORA-00279: change 136760501 generated at 09/15/2009 18:25:31 needed for thread
ORA-00289: suggestion : E:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\ARCHIVE\ARC01203001
ORA-00280: change 136760501 for thread 1 is in sequence #1203
ORA-00278: log file 'E:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\ARCHIVE\ARC01202001' no longer
needed for this recovery

Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}

Log applied.
Media recovery complete.

Verify the checkpoint time for all the datafiles. It should show the same restore time.

SQL> Select distinct to_char(checkpoint_time,’DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS’) from v$datafile;

Once all archive log files are applied and after the status is Media recover complete, Use alter database open resetlogs to open the database.

SQL> alter database open resetlogs;

Database altered.

Add temp files as required.

SQL> alter tablespace temp add tempfile 'E:\ORACLE\ORADATA\SID\SID_TEMP01.DBF' size 200m;

Tablespace altered.

Perform a basic health check as required.

SQL> select name,open_mode from v$database;

--------- ----------

SQL> alter system checkpoint;

System altered.

SQL> alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

SQL> archive log list;
Database log mode              Archive Mode
Automatic archival             Enabled
Archive destination            E:\Oracle\oradata\SID\archive
Oldest online log sequence     1
Next log sequence to archive   3
Current log sequence           3

Verify database connectivity from local laptop or any other hosts.

As this is a new database incarnation all further Rman backups will fail as this new incarnation is not registered in the catalog database. Issue the following command to register this database incarnation to the catalog.

RMAN> reset database;

new incarnation of database registered in recovery catalog
starting full resync of recovery catalog
full resync complete

RMAN> list incarnation;

List of Database Incarnations
DB Key  Inc Key DB Name  DB ID            CUR Reset SCN  Reset Time
------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
1       2       SID  3580177852       NO  1          04-JUN-07
1       144370  SID  3580177852       NO  97271318   28-NOV-08
1       242850  SID  3580177852       YES 136846506  16-SEP-09

Finally take a backup of production database immediately after restore recovery.

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